I know that with this change we will have growth and I need to grow. And I know that this is a change it is not the hardest change of my life . There have been other changes in my life that have been so hard. But it time I go through a change I see that it has been for my good and that I know who I can rely on.
I know that we can bloom and come to our full potential and that this change can bring forth new growth. Our Stake President asked that we read Mosiah 18 with our families and then again read with your family on Monday for FHE. I just loved verse 21 It says " And he commanded them that there should be not contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye,having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another." I love this and this is what we are going to do as a family. We are going put are arms around them and serve them and show them that we love them and are happy they are with us. We are going to forgive those that have offened us and go forward with them from this day forward. Always trying to do our best. And bloom were we are planted.