
Welcome friends and Family

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What a day.

Being silly in a parked car. Before we went swimming.
My best help ever.
Jumping in the puddles in the park.
The car crash.
Royce was a such a good boy.

We were so excited to get to spend a day and night with our good friends Royce and Cooper. They were so cute. They were so excited to come and play. Cooper would say this is my little brother and would be so kind to Royce and to make sure he was okay. For lunch we decided to go to the park. The kids always want to go to the park and eat some lunch. We got there early so we would be able to have one. And while we were playing there was an awful crash on main street a car actually flipped upside down. The crash was so loud. When I finally got close enough I realized that one of the sisters I visit teach was in the other car that was in the crash. She and her daughter was in the crash I saw her husband and ran over to help him. We were able to take him to his car and then I told him I would bring him dinner.

Later that day we went swimming we had a good time. Life is so much different my children are older and running around but with these 2 little ones it was a lot of work at the pool. The pool is so big. And you need to stay so close to them. Emma was such a great helper.
Then we came home and I made dinner for my friend that was hurt. She was back home just bumps and bruises and J was able to go over earlier and give her a blessing. Then came home and made dinner for the crew and then we went on a walk and then came home and the boys were ready for bed. They were so ready for bed they had a great time and they were so good.


Kourtney said...

Thank you a million times over it was so nice of you to help us out. Really that meant so much to us :)

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