We have been so busy with Soccer season this fall. We had a great time watching the children play. They all did a great job. Jonathan was a great coach for Jacob team. Jacob team had a hard time keeping their players we lost 2 to football and one to broken arms. So it was hard to play the boys were worn out by the time the game was over they each had to play the whole game. At one game we had to use Drew as the Goalie because we did not have enough players.
Drew's team was a great team to watch they had so much fun at their practise they all got along so well. Which showed because they improved at each game. And they had a good time.
These girls were awesome a few of them are in my achievement days. So it was fun to see them play. And also I took their team pictures which was a lot of fun to do.
We were watching Cooper and we went to his last game and they needed their pictures taken so I took a few. They were so cute and Cooper even scored a goal he was so excited he now made a goal for his mom and his dad.
Emma did a great job getting back into soccer after a year off. She had a great time and did a great job. We are glad it is all over because it is now getting very cold outside.
A Post in Which I Get a Little Personal
5 years ago