
Welcome friends and Family

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Art Activity Day

The 3 d had  is always fun to do.
Also we stamped with erasers which was a lot of fun to do.

For Activity Day we learned about Art and
did a few art Projects this picture is after Emma lay ed 
on her back and then drew it.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Band

Drew did Summer Band for the month of 
June and the instrument he chose to play
was the drums. He had a great time learning these
different  instruments like the bell the drums the snare, bass
drum. Plus he meet some new friends. In order to 
play in the percussion  you first have to play the piano.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Mary Stuart at the Utah Shakespeare Festival

I was able to go see Mary Stuart with a few friends. It was an excellent play. I just love  the beautiful costumes.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Canyon Park

just wadding

slowing getting in.

finally being cooled off.

When you go to the Canyon Park on a 
warm summer day. Plan on getting wet.
The water is just to hard to resist.
It starts just by wading your feet and then
all of a sudden you are laying down
enjoying the great water.And having
such a fun time.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Jimmy Johns

You have got to love a great sandwhiches.
from Jimmy Johns. Since Emma and
Jacob have never eaten from Jimmy
Johns that was what they choose and
then to go to the Canyon Park.
They loved the sandwiches.

Cousin Time

We love when we have the chance
to go see these cute cousins. It is 
so fun to have them so much closer.
The children get along so well.
Max is growing so big. He is so 
cute. The children
are so excited to spend more
time with them and the 
Mathis and Stathis 
children for the reunion.



Emma and Ramona

Cousin Time

Ramona & Sasha

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Taliesin west

This was Frank Lloyd Wright summer home. Taliesin West.
It was very stunning. It was very hot when we toured 
the place. I did not realize that the tour would be outside.

The drafting Room.

The doors to the Kitchen.

Jonathan really wanted to go see this 
home. So that is what we did.

A memorial to his children.

A water well that had to be covered.

Jacob by a display of the design he made for a resort
he made in Hawaii.

This was a great home. Jacob asked a lot of questions 
The students would live in this home for 6 months and then move back
east.  We learned that he wanted his students to be well rounded 
so they learned to cook and  build and design things. They became a 
master at many things. But he was married to his work.
He was very talented this home was amazing. He had things down to the 
very detail.