
Welcome friends and Family

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Picture Tag

I just got tagged. from my cousin Hillary.

Here are the rules.

1. Go to my documents/pictures.

2. Go to my 6th file folder.

3. Go to my 6th picture.

4. Blog about it.

5. Tag
This picture was taking up to Dan's cabin and we were getting together in the Summer. The date on the picture is wrong it was in June when the Bryants were on a vacation. We got together to have dinner., Look how young all the kids were. Now I tag Callie, Sarah, Amelia, Kourt, and Megan and Jenny. Good Luck and have fun.

6. people to do the same.


eight happy "hardts" said...

Kathryn, it has been great reading about your family. It looks like things are going great for you. YAY!
Hey, Daymon and I have been asked to be the session directors for an EFY there in Cedar City the end of July. We would love to see you if you will be in town and if we have some extra time. Let me know what your plans are. :)

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